
What we’re about

This group is meant to help people learn about the new bitcoin digital currency, and how it can be used for consumers and businesses. What is bitcoin? Bitcoin is a new digital currency. It’s different from all other currencies in that there is no central authority.

Join us @ The Globe Hub for our next Meetup. RSVP @ https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Atlanta/ 

Get into the discussion with us on Telegram @ https://t.me/BitcoinAtlanta

Bitcoin Resources

Bitcoin is a revolutionary system that is quite complex and has a steep learning curve. Make sure you have a decent grasp of the system before you store a significant amount of value in it. Note that this list is open source; please suggest additions on Github!

Getting Started:


The History of Bitcoin:


News Sites:




Discussion Forums:


Miscellaneous Statistics:


Transaction Fee Estimates:


Block Explorers:






Deep Dive Technical Resources:


Developer Tools:






Setting up a Wallet:

Choose your wallet here

You’ll note that there are a variety of options.

My wallet recommendations:

Note that it is NOT recommended that Bitcoin newcomers use the Bitcoin Core wallet. If you want to use a wallet backed by a fully validating node you run, read Securing Your Financial Sovereignty.

Running a Node:

Online Courses:


Video Presentations:



Buying Bitcoins:

Merchant Adoption:

Advanced Trading:

Realtime Exchange Data:

Tax Accounting:

Lightning Network:


Bitcoin Forks:

Crypto Careers:

Crypto Charity:
